The following resources have been created or recommended by members of the CalTPA community.
Website Resources
- Inclusive Education for Educator Preparation
, a website collaboration between the CSU Office of Educator Preparation and the Bechtel Foundation designed to assist programs in the preparation of future educators with a focus on inclusive practices, including foundational knowledge related to MTSS, UDL, Culturally Responsive Teaching, TPEs, and High Leverage Practices
Video Resources
CalTPA Flash
, an example of CalTPA candidate support created by Meredith Fellows, former CalState Teach faculty advisor, featuring a series of recorded video conversations with Nathan Binkinz, one of her CalTPA candidates, illustrating how he prepared for each step of CalTPA Cycles 1 and 2.
CalTPA Playlist
, a series of online teaching and other support webinars on the CTC's YouTube Channel
Early Childhood CalTPA Playlist
, a series of online teaching and other support webinars on the CTC's YouTube Channel
CDE Distance Learning Playlist
, a series of distance learning support webinars on the CDE's YouTube Channel
Online Teaching Channel
, a series of online teaching tutorials created by Lara Ervin-Kassab of San Jose State University
Educational Technology Resources
, a non-profit professional association whose mission is to inspire innovative learners by fostering community, personalizing learning, infusing technology, developing leadership, and advocating educational opportunities for all. CUE membership is free.
- CUE Craft
, free personalized lesson tool kits designed to offer engaging, edtech infused learning experiences that create greater work efficiency for teachers and can improve student learning outcomes.
- CUE Craft video presentations
, eight curated videos featuring educational technology teacher/leader experts demonstrating strategies and resources you can learn from as you develop your own activities where students are using educational technology to enhance their learning.
- International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
, a passionate community of global educators who believe in the power of technology to transform teaching and learning, accelerate innovation, and solve tough problems in education and home to the ISTE Standards for Students, Educators, Education Leaders, and Coaches
- Flipgrid
, a digital message board website that allows teachers to pose topics and students to post video responses
- Mentimeter
, an easy-to-use presentation software that can help teachers create fun and interactive presentations
- Padlet
, an online virtual "bulletin" board, where students and teachers can collaborate, reflect, and share links and pictures in a secure location
- Quizizz
, an online student engagement and assessment tool that allows teachers and students to create and use one another's quizzes
- Screencastify
, a Chrome browser extension that records your screen, face, voice, and more
- Seesaw
, a student engagement platform that allows students to take pictures, draw, record videos, and more to capture learning in a portfolio
- Socrative
, a cloud-based student response system that allows teachers to create simple quizzes via classroom computers or their own smartphones