edTPA Special Education for California


The purpose of the edTPA Special Education for California field test is to collect validity evidence and feedback on the design of the draft assessment. Commission-approved educator preparation programs are invited to participate in the field test of the assessment and related scoring rubrics with their candidates by embedding the tasks and rubrics within existing program requirements. Field test data, including feedback from participating stakeholders, will inform revisions necessary for operational administration in Fall 2022. All candidate submission materials related to the field test will be kept confidential and secure.

Participating candidates will compile a portfolio of evidence for a series of consecutive 3–5 lessons that was created and implemented while working with a student with an IEP. Portfolio evidence includes lesson plans, video clips of instruction, and student assessments for three edTPA tasks:

  • Task 1: Planning for Instruction and Assessment
  • Task 2: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning
  • Task 3: Assessing Student Learning

Select from the following topics to learn more about:


Field test participants will receive a voucher code to use when registering. When you receive your code and are ready to begin, please register here.

Registration is now closed for this field test.

Submission Window

The field test submission window is March 15–April 15, 2022. The system will be closed after April 15 and no further submissions will be accepted after that date.

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