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Policies and Guidelines
By accessing my unique login to the edTPA field test system, I agree to these terms of field test participant registration:
- I understand that information regarding participation in the edTPA field test, including important guidelines and policies, is available in the edTPA field test assessment handbook and here on the edTPA field test website and that I must review and understand this information in order to participate in the field test.
- I agree to abide by the "Professional Responsibilities," which are contained in the edTPA field test assessment handbook, as well as "Guidelines for Video Confidentiality for field test participants," which are posted here on the edTPA field test website.
- I understand that the field test assessment materials are available for use by authorized edTPA participants and should not be distributed or disclosed to others in any way, including posting to any public or non-secure website. I understand that I am not permitted to reproduce any of the assessment materials.
- I understand that the video recordings and the identity of individuals on the videos are confidential, and I agree not to disclose this information in any form—written, electronic, or any other means—to a third party, including sharing or posting the information to any location other than the designated field test system, including non-secured locations and/or publicly accessible locations (e.g., YouTube, Facebook). I agree to abide by the "Confidentiality and Security of edTPA field test participant Materials and Assessment Data," which are posted here on the edTPA field test website, and also acknowledge that I must obtain permission from the parents/guardians of my students and from adults who appear on the video and can produce such permissions if requested. (Sample forms for video recording permissions can be found on the edTPA field test website).
As the field test participant, upon uploading materials and completing my field test "submission," I confirm the originality of my materials in that:
- I have primary responsibility for teaching the students/class during the learning segment profiled in this assessment.
- The video clips submitted show me teaching the students/class profiled in the assessment submitted.
- The student work included in the documentation is that of my students, completed during the learning segment documented in this assessment.
- I am sole author of the commentaries and other written responses to prompts and other requests for information in this assessment.
- I have appropriately cited all materials in the assessment whose sources are from published text, the Internet, or other educators.
- I understand and agree that my field test scores will not be reported to me, nor may my individual field test scores be used toward any operational edTPA requirement(s).
By participating in an edTPA field test, you are agreeing to abide by the Rules of Assessment Participation for edTPA and all rules, procedures, and policies communicated to you during this assessment.
For the purpose of these Rules of Assessment Participation, the following definitions apply:
- "Evaluation Systems." Evaluation Systems, a business of NCS Pearson, Inc. (referred to throughout as Evaluation Systems).
Rules of Assessment Participation for edTPA
- PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENT: I understand that this assessment is administered for the purpose of a field test for edTPA.
- ORIGINALITY OF SUBMISSION: I understand that by submitting my edTPA materials, I am confirming that I am the person who has completed the assessment, that I have primary responsibility for teaching the students/class during the learning segment profiled in this assessment, that the video clips submitted show me teaching the students/class profiled, that the student work included in the documentation is that of my students and completed during the learning segment documented in this assessment, that I am the sole author of the commentaries and other written responses to prompts and other requests for information in this assessment, and that I have cited all materials in the assessment whose sources are from published text, the internet, or other educators.
- PERMISSIONS AND CONFIDENTIALITY: I understand that I am responsible for obtaining appropriate permissions from the parents/guardians of my students and from adults that appear on the video clips I submit. I agree to produce such permissions if requested after I submit my assessment. I have ensured confidentiality of individuals appearing in the video clips I submit by uploading the video only to the designated Pearson ePortfolio system. I understand that I may use my assessment materials according to the parameters of the release forms obtained for children and/or adults who appear in the video. Because parents/guardians and/or adults have not typically granted permission for public use of the videos in which they or their children appear, I will not display videos publicly (i.e., personal websites, YouTube, Facebook) without expressed permission for this purpose from those featured in the video.
- ASSESSMENT MATERIALS: I acknowledge that I am not permitted to reproduce or share any of the information or materials from edTPA handbooks or support materials (Making Good Choices or other materials with Stanford copyright) for commercial purposes. If I do reproduce information or materials from the edTPA handbooks or related materials for personal use, I will properly attribute the copyright of such materials to Stanford University.
- USE OF ASSESSMENT: I agree that my edTPA submission, including text, graphics, digital files and video or audio recordings, without the use of my name or other identifying information, may be used by Stanford University and/or Evaluation Systems edTPA program development and implementation, including scorer training associated with the program. If I provided consent as part of my response to registration questions, my submission, without use of my name or other identifying information, may also be used for continued edTPA program activities conducted by Stanford University and/or Evaluation Systems such as future validity and reliability studies of the edTPA. Stanford University and Evaluation Systems will not show edTPA field test participant materials publicly, make them available in a non-secure way, or use them as exemplars for marketing purposes.
- FIELD TEST RESULTS AND CANCELLATION: I understand that my field test results will not be reported to me. edTPA field test results are anonymously used by Stanford University and Evaluation Systems with field test participant responses to background questions for the purpose of edTPA field test analyses and assessment development. I understand that once I submit my assessment, I cannot cancel my participation in the edTPA field test, including scoring.
- CONFORMITY WITH PROCEDURES: I understand that if my submitted artifacts, videos, and/or related documentation do not conform to the current rules, requirements and policies as specified in the edTPA Assessment Handbook, and the edTPA field test website, my submission or portions thereof may not be scored
- RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS REGARDING edTPA: I understand and agree that Stanford University and Evaluation Systems are not liable for assessment activities, including but not limited to the adequacy or accuracy of assessment materials, of the registration processes, of scoring, of information provided to me in connection with edTPA and the adequacy of protection of field test participant information I waive any and all rights to all other claims, specifically including but not limited to claims for negligence arising out of any acts or omissions of Stanford University or Evaluation Systems (including the agents, employees, contractors, or professional advisors of Stanford University, Evaluation Systems, or such entity).
- PROGRAM CHANGES: I understand that the edTPA assessment and associated policies and procedures are subject to change at the sole discretion of Stanford University and Evaluation Systems.
- COMPLIANCE: I understand that my registration may not be cancelled, and if I fail to comply with the rules, requirements, and policies specified or referenced on the current edTPA field test website, including these Rules of Assessment Participation, or if I take any prohibited actions, my edTPA may not be scored. I may be prohibited in the future from registering for edTPA. Legal proceedings and actions may be pursued as well as other remedies deemed appropriate by Evaluation Systems or Stanford University as appropriate. In addition, I understand that assessment fraud may be grounds for denial, revocation and/or suspension of a teaching license.
- RULES: I understand that should any of these rules or any other requirement or provision contained on the current edTPA field test website be declared or determined by any court to be illegal or invalid, the remaining rules, requirements, and provisions will not be affected, and the illegal or invalid rule, requirement, or provision shall not be deemed a part of the current edTPA field test website. The headings of each of the Rules of Assessment Participation for edTPA are for convenient reference only. They are not a part of the rules themselves; they do not necessarily reflect the entire subject matter of each rule; and they are not intended to be used for the purpose of modifying, interpreting, or construing any of these Rules of Assessment Participation for edTPA. I agree that any legal action arising in connection with my registration for or participation in an edTPA field test shall be brought in the state and federal courts governing St. Paul, Minnesota, and I consent to the personal jurisdiction of such courts.
Submission Requirements
Before beginning to create your edTPA assessment submission, you must review these Submission Requirements to ensure that:
your edTPA materials will meet the technical specifications for artifacts required
and - you have provided all the evidence necessary for your full portfolio to be scored.
All portfolios that are successfully submitted in the Pearson ePortfolio system will go to a scorer for scoring. A fully scorable portfolio is one that can be reviewed by a scorer and have scores assigned to every rubric. If your submission does not meet the Submission Requirements, your edTPA may not be scored.
In addition to these specific Submission Requirements, you must also review and comply with all other requirements contained in the edTPA Assessment Handbook as well as the policies for edTPA field test participant registration, and assessment as posted on the current edTPA field test website.
Note that any material that is intended to be part of your edTPA submission must be uploaded to the Pearson ePortfolio system prior to the submission of your portfolio. Scorers will not be able to access hyperlinks to documents or webpages (e.g., posted lesson plans) contained in your submitted artifacts and documents. Hyperlinks are acceptable as references in your citations but will not be used by scorers to reference information outside of your submission.
In order for your edTPA submission to be scored, it must meet these Submission Requirements.
Artifacts and Commentaries for Planning Task must be scorable. Your edTPA portfolio documents your planning, instruction, and assessment within a learning segment designed to meet the learning needs of your students.
Video: Any required video components of your submission must conform to technical specifications. (e.g., format, file type), and be viewable by scorers. After uploading or transferring your video, you must review it in the Pearson ePortfolio system prior to submitting your assessment, even if the video file was playable prior to upload. Your review will confirm that your submitted video meets the technical specifications and can be viewed by scorers by confirming successful playback prior to submission.
The total time of your video clips submitted for Task 2 must be at least three minutes in length.
Audio: The audio for required video components must be intelligible to scorers. Review your videos prior to submission for potential background noise or poor audio quality that would interfere with a scorer's ability to hear you and your students. Please note that some environments (e.g., large classroom spaces) are less conducive to audio recording, and make any appropriate adjustments when recording your video to ensure adequate audio quality. If short sections of the video clip(s) are inaudible, you may include a written transcript at the end of the commentary template.
Note: Materials that must be translated into English should be added to the original materials as part of the same file or, if applicable, to the end of the commentary template. There is no page limit for translations into English.
Submitted files must be correctly uploaded or transferred to the appropriate designated location in the Pearson ePortfolio system. Blank files cannot be scored. All required documents must be legible, including handwriting in student work samples as well as edTPA field test participant-typed responses. You must submit all materials required for your content area. You must review your uploaded or transferred materials prior to submission to ensure that you are submitting the correct, unique file(s) for each Part.
Submitted video clips for Task 2 must be continuous and unedited, with no interruption in events (e.g., you may not edit a video clip to remove "quiet time" when students are working independently, edit out physical transitions, or edit out disruptive behavior).
Exception: Video evidence of video student work samples, assessment feedback, and video evidence of academic language use can be edited to include multiple clips. In addition, while there is no minimum length for other instances of video evidence outside of Task 2, the clips should be long enough to provide sufficient context for the scorer to evaluate the evidence in the clip.
See your edTPA handbook for modifications that may be allowed under some conditions (e.g., captioning if certain portions of a file are inaudible).
You must review your uploaded or transferred video clips prior to submission to ensure that they meet all the video requirements described in the handbook.
Submitted materials must correspond to the edTPA handbook instructions and requirements. Materials that do not conform to the handbook instructions and requirements cannot be scored. Materials completely unrelated to edTPA cannot be scored.
If more than one learner appears in a clip, provide information to identify the focus learner (e.g., clothing, position in setting).
Translations/transcripts of materials (videos or documents) that were written or recorded in the language of instruction other than English, are required.
Translations/transcripts of materials should be added to the original materials as part of the same file or, if applicable, to the end of the commentary template of the corresponding edTPA Task. There is no page limit for required translations into English.
If you are unable to resolve a technical issue observed when you review your uploaded or transferred materials, contact Customer Support for assistance prior to submission.
Before you record and submit your video recordings, you must:
- Review the Video Recording Permissions document for additional information including a sample release form provided for your reference. Check with your educator preparation program for other specific information (e.g., district requirements) that may be required to include in the release form.
- Secure appropriate permission from the parents/guardians of your students and from adults who appear in the video recording.
To protect confidentiality, please remove your name and use pseudonyms or general references (e.g., "the district") for your state, school, and district. Mask or remove all names on any typed or written material (e.g., commentaries, lesson plans, student work samples) that could identify individuals or educator preparation programs. During video recording, use students' first names only.
In order to protect the privacy of all individuals who appear in the video recording:
You may
- Store/upload your video recording only through the Pearson ePortfolio system.
You may not
- Display the video publicly (i.e., personal websites, YouTube, Facebook) without expressed permission for this purpose from all those featured in the video;
- Use the video recording for any purpose that is not within the parameters of the release forms you received for students or adults who appear in your video.
In order to submit your edTPA assessment to Pearson for scoring, you must confirm the following.
As the field test participant, I confirm that:
- I have reviewed and agree to the "Rules of Assessment Participation."
- I have primary responsibility for teaching the students/class during the learning segment profiled in this assessment.
- The video clips submitted show me teaching the students/class profiled in the assessment submitted.
- The student work included in the documentation is that of my students, completed during the learning segment documented in this assessment.
- I am sole author of the commentaries and other written responses to prompts and other requests for information in this assessment.
- I have appropriately cited all materials in the assessment whose sources are from published text, the Internet, or other educators.
- I have obtained permission from the parents/guardians of my students and from adults that appear on the video and can produce such permissions if requested.
- I have reviewed and agree to the edTPA "Guidelines for Video Confidentiality for edTPA Field Test Participants" including the prohibition regarding sharing or posting the edTPA assessment materials, including video to the internet (e.g., YouTube, Facebook) or other non-secured and/or publicly accessible locations.
- I have reviewed the edTPA "Submission Requirements" and confirm that all of my submitted materials meet these requirements for a scorable portfolio that can be reviewed by a scorer and have scores assigned to all rubrics.
Once you submit your portfolio to Pearson, you will no longer be able to view, edit, or retrieve it.
This information, prepared by Pearson and Stanford University, describes the policies and procedures related to the confidentiality and security of edTPA field test participant edTPA submissions and assessment data for each phase of the process:
- Pre-Submission of Assessment Materials for Scoring
- Transfer, Upload, and Storage of the Assessment Materials
- Post-Submission and Scoring
This information applies to Pearson and Stanford University handling of materials and data for edTPA field test participants who register for edTPA on the field test website and submit their assessment for official scoring.
edTPA field test participants own the content they create and submit for each edTPA portfolio.
Neither Stanford University nor Pearson owns the field test participants' edTPA portfolios.
The use of the portfolio video by field test participants is restricted by the parameters of the release forms obtained for children and/or adults who appear in the video. Because parents/guardians and/or adults have not typically granted permission for public use of the videos in which they or their children appear, videos should NOT be displayed publicly (i.e., personal websites, YouTube, Facebook) without expressed permission for this purpose from those featured in the video.
Because of laws protecting confidentiality and privacy, only field test participants can register themselves for edTPA.
Pre-Submission of Assessment Materials for Scoring
Prior to field test participant submission of edTPA assessment materials for scoring, the Pearson edTPA field test website provides information for field test participants related to the creation, review, and handling of field test participant assessment materials, including video recordings. These include the:
These guidelines address the need to maintain confidentiality of video participants and direct field test participants to obtain appropriate permission from parents/guardians for students who appear in video recordings and from adults who appear in video recordings. In order to assist field test participants in obtaining the appropriate releases, the Pearson edTPA field test website include information describing the nature of the assessment and how assessment materials may be used. A sample release form is also provided for reference .
When field test participants are ready to submit their assessment materials to Pearson for scoring, they are presented with field test participant attestations, which include requiring confirmation that they have obtained the necessary video releases and that they have not posted and will not post video recordings in any location other than the Pearson ePortfolio system. edTPA field test participants must keep their edTPA video recordings under secure conditions.
Transfer, Upload, and Storage of the Assessment Materials
- edTPA field test participant assessment materials, including video recordings, enter the Pearson ePortfolio system by uploading directly into the Pearson ePortfolio system.
Transmission of assessment materials via this method is protected using industry standard encryption practices.
Once materials have been uploaded directly into the Pearson ePortfolio system, they must be reviewed and verified by the edTPA field test participant in the Pearson ePortfolio system and submitted for official scoring.
The assessment materials are stored by Pearson in secure repositories and areas accessible only to authorized users via unique, secure log-in credentials for specific actions and for limited periods of time.
By using industry-standard security software (encrypted protocols and encrypted and expiring tokens), the system ensures that access to view the stored assessment materials/videos is granted only to authorized users.
- Authorized Pearson users may include scorers, scorer supervisors, scorer trainers, scoring support personnel, and personnel required to conduct quality control.
- Authorized Stanford University personnel associated with assessment development may view edTPA field test participants' edTPA materials for the purposes of selection of scorer training materials and scorer training activities.
Post-Submission and Scoring
- Authorized Pearson users may include scorers, scorer supervisors, scorer trainers, scoring support personnel, and personnel required to conduct quality control or required to conduct an investigation associated with compliance with the Rules of Assessment Participation, as needed.
- Authorized Stanford University personnel associated with assessment development may view field test participants' edTPA materials for the purposes of selection of scorer training materials and scorer training activities.
- Authorized individuals may be provided access as part of an investigation associated with compliance with the Rules of Assessment Participation, as needed.
Authorized scorers access the edTPA field test participant assessment materials, including video recordings, through Pearson's password-protected secure Scoring System. edTPA field test participant assessment materials are available only for the period in which scoring occurs. Scorer access to the Pearson Scoring System is disabled after the scorer's activities are completed.
Other Uses of edTPA field test participant Materials
- edTPA assessment materials, without field test participant or other identifying information, may be used for edTPA program development and implementation, including scorer training.
- edTPA field test participant video recordings will not be shown in any public venue nor made available in a non-secure way.
- edTPA field test participant materials, including video recordings, will not be used for marketing purposes or as exemplars for marketing purposes.
Other Use or Disclosure of Information
It is Pearson's practice not to transmit personally identifiable information to third parties, except as provided in this Privacy Policy posted on the field test website. We may disclose personally identifiable information in the following situations:
- in response to a subpoena, court order, or legal process, to the extent permitted and required by law;
- to address violations of law, and/or to protect your security or the security of other persons, consistent with applicable law;
- in connection with a sale, joint venture, or other transfer of some or all of the assets of Pearson;
- to organizations who are working as contractors or agents of Pearson and who are committed or obliged to protect your privacy in a manner consistent with the Privacy Policy.
By using the edTPA field test website and the Pearson ePortfolio system, field test participants give their consent for personal information to be transmitted in the situations outlined above.
edTPA Retention and Destruction
The standard retention period for edTPA submissions, including videos, is four years, after which submissions will be destroyed. There may be exceptions to the standard retention period for extenuating circumstances.
After the retention period, edTPA artifacts, including videos, are disposed of through a set of automated processes that identify and physically delete the artifacts from their repository locations. These processes are executed on a regular, periodic basis and render the artifacts inaccessible and irretrievable.
edTPA field test participant edTPA scores and associated identifying information will be retained indefinitely.
Before you record your classroom instruction, ensure that you have the appropriate permission from the parents/guardians of your students and from adults who appear in the video recording. You should consult with your preparation program for other specific information that may be required in the release form.
The release forms are not to be submitted with your materials, but you should follow your preparation program policy for retaining them.
Guidelines for Video Confidentiality
Before you record and submit your video recordings, you must:
- Review the Video Recording Permissions document for additional information including a sample release form provided for your reference. Check with your preparation program for other specific information (e.g., district requirements) that may be required to include in the release form.
- Secure appropriate permission from the parents/guardians of your students and from adults who appear in the video recording.
To protect confidentiality, please remove your name and use pseudonyms or general references (e.g., "the district") for your state, school, and district. Mask or remove all names on any typed or written material (e.g., commentaries, lesson plans, student work samples) that could identify individuals or educator preparation programs. During video recording, use students' first names only.
In order to protect the privacy of all individuals who appear in the video recording:
You may
- Store/upload your video recording only through the Pearson ePortfolio system.
You may not
- Display the video publicly (i.e., personal websites, YouTube, Facebook) without expressed permission for this purpose from all those featured in the video;
- Use the video recording for any purpose that is not within the parameters of the release forms you received for students or adults who appear in your video.
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